V 1.5 Cable Seal
List Price: $144.00 Our Price: $106.00 You save $38.00!

100 V 1.5 Cable Security Seals Per Box (1.5mm Thick, 12 inches Long, One Piece Cable Seal)
Pricing is based per box (100 per box)
1-4 Boxes
5-9 Boxes
10-49 Boxes
V 1.5 Cable Security Seals
$106.00 |
$89.00 |
$76.00 |
This security Cable seal is a one-piece security seal that is easily adjustable to length and features an automatic locking mechanism. This cable seal is a multi-purpose seal used throughout the shipping and security industry. Stock seals are anodized red or blue aluminum and come with a 12" long cable.
Sentry Cable Security Seal
Our Price per 100 Sentry Cable Seals $219.00

100 Sentry Cable Security Seals Per Box (1/16 Inch Thick, 12 Inch Long, One Piece Cable Seal) (If 500 seals, one box instead of five boxes)
Pricing is based per box (100 per box)
1-4 Boxes
5-9 Boxes
10-49 Boxes
Sentry Cable Security Seals
$219.00 |
$199.00 |
$179.00 |
The Sentry Cable seal is a one-piece security seal that is easily adjustable to length and features an automatic locking mechanism. The Sentry seal is a multi purpose seal used throughout the shipping and security industry.
ISO 17712 / C-TPAT One Piece Cable Security Seal (In Stock) - Alulock 3.5
Our Price per 100 Cable Seals $136.00

100 C-TPAT Alulock 3.5 Cable Security Seals Per Box (3.5mm Thick, 12 inch Long, One Piece Cable Seal)
Pricing is based per box (100 per box)
1-4 Boxes
5-9 Boxes
10+ Boxes |
C-TPAT / ISO 17712 Cable Security Seals
$136.00 |
$111.00 |
These cable security seals will ship out the same day or the next day.
- The body on these cable seals are black with SEALED and 6 digits on them with grey steel.
- C-TPAT, ISO 17712 and UK & US Custom compliant
- Once cut, the cable will splay, increasing security
ISO 17712 / C-TPAT One Piece Cable Security Seal (In Stock) - V 5.0
Our Price per 100 Cable Seals $161.00

100 C-TPAT V 5.0 Cable Security Seals Per Box (5mm Thick, 12 inch Long, One Piece Cable Seal)
Pricing is based per box (100 per box)
1-4 Boxes
5-9 Boxes
10+ Boxes
C-TPAT / ISO 17712 Cable Security Seals
$161.00 |
$136.00 |
$121.00 |
These cable security seals will ship out the same day or the next day.
- Stock seals are anodized red or blue aluminum and come with a 12" long cable.
- C-TPAT, ISO 17712 and UK & US Custom compliant
ISO 17712 / C-TPAT One Piece Cable Security Seal (In Stock) - V 3.5
Our Price per 100 Cable Seals $136.00

100 C-TPAT V 3.5 Cable Security Seals Per Box (3.5mm Thick, 12 inch Long, One Piece Cable Seal)
Pricing is based per box (100 per box)
1-4 Boxes
5-9 Boxes
10+ Boxes
C-TPAT / ISO 17712 Cable Security Seals
$136.00 |
$111.00 |
These cable security seals will ship out the same day or the next day.
- Stock seals are anodized red or blue aluminum and come with a 12" long cable.
- C-TPAT, ISO 17712 and UK & US Custom compliant
Thin Cable Seal (In Stock) 1.8mm or 0.07 inches Thick &14 inches Long
Our Price per 500 Thin Cable Seals $378.00

500 Thin Cable Security Seals Per Box (1.8mm or .07 inches Thick, 14 inches Long, One Piece Cable Seal )
Pricing is based per box (500 per box)
1+ Boxes
Thin Cable Security Seals
$378.00 |
In Stock cable security seals will ship out the same day or the next day.
Plaska Cable seal (In Stock) 1.5mm or 0.6 inches thick and 5.9 inches long
Our Price per 1000 Plaska Cable Seals $331.00

1000 Plaska Cable Security Seals Per Box (.06 inch Thick, 5.9 inch Long, One Piece Cable Seal )
Pricing is based per box (1000 per box)
1-5 Boxes
6-10 Boxes |
11+ Boxes |
Plaska Cable Security Seals
$331.00 |
In Stock cable security seals will ship out the same day or the next day.
Custom Sentry Cable Security Seal
Our Price per 100 Sentry Cable Seals $239.00

100 Custom Sentry Cable Security Seals Per Box (1/16 inch Thick, 12 inch Long, One Piece Cable Seal ):
Pricing is based per box (100 per box)
1-4 Boxes
5-9 Boxes
10-49 Boxes
Custom Sentry Cable Security Seals
$239.00 |
$219.00 |
$199.00 |
Sentry Cable seal is a one-piece security seal that is easily adjustable to length and features an automatic locking mechanism. The Sentry seal is a multipurpose seal used throughout the shipping and security industry. CUSTOM SENTRY CABLE SEALS: Up to 7 Characters and 6 Digits (NO CUSTOMIZATION FEE)
LEAD TIME: 2 to 4 Weeks
Custom V 1.5 Cable Security Seal
List Price: $149.00 Our Price: $123.00 You save $26.00!

100 Custom V 1.5 Cable Security Seals Per Box (1.5mm Thick, 12 inches Long, One Piece Cable Seal)
Pricing is based per box (100 per box)
| 1-4 Boxes
| 5-9 Boxes
| 10-49 Boxes |
| Custom V 1.5 Cable Security Seals | $123.00 | $106.00 | $93.00
V 1.5 Cable security seal is a one-piece security seal that is easily adjustable to length and features an automatic locking mechanism. This cable seal is a multi-purpose seal used throughout the shipping and security industry. CUSTOM V 1.5 CABLE SECURITY SEALS: Up to 8 Characters per Line (2 Lines Total) and Up to 8 Digits.
LEAD TIME: 2 to 4 Weeks
Tri Security Seals (2 Strands, Galvanized Wire) - 14 Inches Long
Our Price per 1000 Tri Security Seals $252.00

1,000 Tri Security Seals Per Box (14 Inches Long - 2 Strands - Galvanized Seal)
Pricing is based per box (1,000 per box)
| | 1-9 Boxes |
10+ Boxes
Tri Security Seals
| | $252.00 |
$238.00 |
The 14" Long Tri Security Seal utilizes a Polypropylene body with 2 strands of galvanized wire. The versatility of the Tri seal
adapts it to many applications. Random unduplicated high relief numbers.